What do you actually put in such a press release if it is about yourself?
Recently our company, PRGoeroes, had to go into publicity ourselves. How did we approach it?
Step 1: Treat yourself as a client
It’s quite a different thing to help a business service provider get media attention than to be that business service provider yourself. It became clear to us once again. What do you actually put in such a press release if you are the one talked about? Suddenly the wait-and-see attitude of customers was much easier to understand. In the end we decided to treat ourselves as a client – and from then on it went smoothly.
Step 2: From briefing to press release
We created a briefing with all the information about the rebranding and our goals. Our copywriter turned it into a great press release and then we spread the news, as we would for our clients. With appropriate photos of our team and from an online press page. Here, until the end of time, all press releases and rights-free to publish photos can be found about PRGoeroes. It’s handy to be and to remain findable online in this way.
Step 3: Publicity around freepublicity specialist
The news of the rebranding was picked up by all kinds of (professional) media from the marketing world, including Emerce, Fonk, Marketing Report, AboutMedia etc.
Entrepreneurial media such as Het Ondernemersbelang, Bizbangboom and WeesMeer also published the news.
Local media like NL Magazine, HC News and Amsterdam 020 decided to pick up the message. In other words, a great publicity result for a news item about a name change.
Step 4: From PR to marketing
We can look back on a great publicity launch. After all that media attention, it’s time to translate the good news into marketing. Therefore, we published this blog and all social media posts about it.
Also a name change coming up? Or do you have another message you’d like to make known through the media? Schedule a short call here to exchange thoughts. Please get in touch.