Brand awareness can be a somewhat vague term. What does it mean for people to be aware of your brand, why is it important and how do you achieve it?
Brand awareness is just another way of saying name recognition. For instance, if you saw a sign for a McDonald’s, an Ikea or Volkswagen, you would probably recognize exactly what those brands are and what they do.
That can be incredibly powerful for your business in the Netherlands. When the right people know who you are and what you stand for, you can help gain credibility, loyalty and build brand equity. That’s important because 59% of consumers prefer to buy from brands they already know, and 89% stay loyal to brands that share their values.
So, if you’re looking to get more name recognition for your company, then we’ve rounded up five tips to increase brand awareness.
1. Collaborate with influencers and other brands – brand awareness
if you don’t have name recognition for your brand already, then one of the best ways to gain credibility is to partner with brands that do. There may be other companies or influencers in your niche already that have trust and name recognition from your target audience. Instead of starting from scratch, partner with them where it makes sense to use their credibility.
2. Produce content
People can’t know what you stand for and what you do if you don’t tell them. Initially, this means getting a lot of content out there. Specifically, make sure you have a presence on social media and an optimized website. Additionally, consider the power of video content. Global online video viewing represented 100 minutes a day in 2021, so do not overlook the power of video content. But other content like blogs, e-books, and social media posts can also be very effective when they represent your brand and target your niche.
3. Optimize for SEO
Having quality content for brand recognition is great but optimizing your content for SEO (search engine optimization) is even better. You need to make sure your content is seen and used, and SEO is one of the best ways to do that because it will bring people to your pages who are searching for what you offer. Blogs are a great way to add SEO to your site because you can offer long-form, informative content to your audience with keywords they are looking for.
4. Don’t underestimate offline interaction
While digital marketing can increase brand awareness, offline interactions still add value that lasts. Offline marketing can include billboards, posters, events and giving away free stuff. While you may be tempted to overlook, remember when you think of brands like McDonald’s, Ikea, or Volkswagen they all participate in offline marketing even today. Check out our post on guerilla marketing for some incredible examples of how big brands do this.
5. Use free publicity
Finally, one of the best ways to increase your brand awareness is to use free publicity. Free publicity or public relations can help you build not only awareness but also relationships with your target audience. Learn more about what you can accomplish with public relations in this blog.
If you’re looking to increase your brand’s name recognition in the Netherlands, let the professionals help you. We have years of experience increasing brand awareness in the Netherlands. Contact us to learn more.