International companies in the Netherlands may be tempted to use a global public relations agency to reach consumers and media in the Netherlands. However, it’s far more effective to work with a local PR agency in the Netherlands. Here are a few reasons why you need a local PR agency in the Netherlands.
Each Culture is Unique
Every country has a unique culture which comes with cultural norms for what you can and can’t do with the media. A person in one culture may not understand why other cultures think or respond the way they do. A PR agency can advise on what to say and how to say it to fit into local customs.
Using a local agency in the Netherlands can help you navigate the local culture. They will be more familiar with the intricacies of the local language, media, and legislation. International companies in the Netherlands need a local PR agency to help them understand the local culture.
Not Everything Translates Well
If you are looking to expand your public relations work internationally, and you try translating a press release as-is, it may not work as well as you hope it well. This is because literal translations of press releases may misinterpret keywords, phrases, or not make sense in the translation.
A local PR agency understands the mindset of people in the area and can help guide translations to sit well with the reader. Simply ‘copying and pasting’ messaging from one country to another does not work and generally wastes your money and time.
Media Approach Varies by Country
Additionally, each country’s culture has unique norms on how and when to approach a journalist. When it is appropriate to pitch to them, and how much of a relationship is required. For example, it may be appropriate to issue any press release on a newswire but in European countries, this may be reserved only for special circumstances, in the U.S..
Additionally, it is customary to exchange gifts with journalists while in other locations gifts to the media are considered a bribe and may even be illegal in South America. But this is because South American culture is based highly on relationships. Other cultures, like America, are based more on business-first, relationship second. You’ll need the help of a PR agency to navigate these intricacies of culture.
International companies in the Netherlands need to be sensitive to the local cultural, economic, and political differences in the region. As an outsider, this can be extremely difficult. So, using a local public relations agency can help translate your story in a localized way and help you find more success in the region.
Our periodic PR approach is ideally suited order to giving your PR just the right boost. We will work on this for at least three months. And following an initial evaluation, we can decide together whether to continue with the model.
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