From the 14th until the 18th of March 2022, StartHub’s Diversity Week took place! This week they focused on starting the conversation about diversity and inclusivity in entrepreneurship. StartHub Wageningen is the startup incubator and educator for students, PhDs, and recent graduates of Wageningen University & Research. Their core focus is the development of entrepreneurial competencies of students and student entrepreneurs.
To stimulate and help students with the development of entrepreneurial competencies, they offer a diverse program in which people can develop their entrepreneurial skills.
On the Linkedin page of StartHub, they wrote:
‘’The second event was Creating Successful Teams; the Power of Diversity on Tuesday! With two inspiring talks by Madhumitha Muthurajan and Jennifer Delano 📢 PR Specialist. Both talked about their experience of working within and creating diverse teams.’’
DelanoPR founder Jennifer Delano: ‘’It was great to be asked to contribute to this week. It was an interactive session and gave me the opportunity to speak for the first time about the importance of a good team. After all, it is key for a company with growth plans to work with a team of specialists.’’
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