“A good way to bring attention to your business is to appear in the media. Good for your visibility and brand awareness and attention in the media builds trust, it makes people want to work with you. Yet there are still few entrepreneurs who actively include free publicity in their marketing strategy,” according to the Entrepreneur Podcast (Dutch).
The Entrepreneur Podcast: “Attention in the media builds confidence”
What free publicity does for entrepreneurs
Founder of De CommunicatieHelpdesk Marjolein Hettinga could not have put it better. With a desire to inspire entrepreneurs with the possibilities of free publicity, she chose to talk to Jennifer Delano in this week’s Entrepreneur Podcast.
How to get in the media as an entrepreneur
The text that accompanies the podcast:
If anyone is an example of “practice what you preach,” it’s Jennifer. She regularly appears in magazines and newspapers or is interviewed for radio and TV. Furthermore, she also knows how to get her clients in the media. What else she can tell you everything about free publicity and how to get into the media as an entrepreneur.
Want to know everything?
Follow this podcast and listen to episode 78 of The Entrepreneur Podcast via Apple Podcasts, Spotify via: https://decommunicatiehelpdesk.nl/podcast
Guaranteed free publicity for your business? We are here to help
Are you looking for a PR agency in the Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague or Rotterdam area that generates media attention and visibility for you and your company? Look no further. Please contact us and ask about the possibilities.