First vertical farm in the Netherlands, founded by John Apesos and biochemical engineer Jens Ruijg. GROWx is a start-up that focuses on setting up and building vertical farms for cities. They use this to supply chefs and distributors with fresh salads and (sprouting) vegetables on request. The technology makes it possible to meet the demand from the chefs. Next months GROWx wants to grow to a capacity of 2000 m 2 . In addition to restaurants, this will also make it possible to serve shops in Amsterdam, regardless of the seasons. In 2019, John Apesos and Jens Ruijg expect to grow to 10,000 m 2 in order to supply half of Amsterdam with (sprouting) vegetables and salads. After this they want to build a strong chain of vertical farms in European capitals. The goal is to supply half of Amsterdam with salad and (sprouting) vegetables by 2025. After that, the founders of GROWx want to build farms and supply clean food to circular cities. These farms will support the city’s own food supply.
Pr-account: Growx
DelanoPR was involved after a date was set for the official opening of GROWx. Deputy Mayor Abdeluheb Choho of Amsterdam opened the first vertical farm in the Netherlands to the public. The media was approached with this news. On the one hand to let them know about this first Dutch vertical farm, on the other hand to invite them to the official opening. This resulted in interviews on BNR Radio and AmsterdamFM before and on the day of the opening, as well as numerous pre-publications in specialist media such as AGF, De Restaurantkrant, Duurzaam Actueel, DuurzaamBedrijfsleven, GoedemorgenGroente etc. Nederlands Dagblad, HortiDaily, LEDMagazine, LunchRoom, MVO Nederland, Nieuwe Oogst,, Horeca Trends, WijNoordHolland and AgriHolland reported extensively on the opening, as did international platforms such as Ecoticias. This resulted in a pr value of 39,642 euros online in the Netherlands alone. This does not include the offline reports in the newspapers and the TV images on AT5 of the first vertical farm in the Netherlands.
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