Promote a book. How?

Would you like to have your book promoted by a PR agency? Promote a book. How? When you publish a book it’s useful to make sure the promotion is solid as a rock. Not all publishers can do this, and to start doing the promotion yourself as a busy entrepreneur… that’s a lot of specialist…

The need of a PR agency in the Netherlands

If you’re starting a business in the Netherlands, or even just thinking about starting a business in the Netherlands, you will want to get a PR (public relations) agency right away to help you get free press, build awareness, and build relationships with your brand. Free Press Having a PR agency in the Netherlands can…

How to prevent media blunders

That media attention is nice, but it is useful to know in advance what you are going to say. After all, a solid media blunder can haunt a company for years to come. But anyway: how do you prevent a media blunder? Last month I met Machteld Kooij, who gives media training in the Netherlands.…

The difference between marketing and PR

During all my lectures I get asked: what is the difference between marketing and PR? Logically, they are very similar. Yet there are big differences, I like to explain them to you.   PR (public relations) The core of PR is to appear in the media, for this you approach journalists and media with your…

What is free publicity?

Free publicity is the goal in PR. Here it is all about free publicity. As the word says, it concerns publications that are not paid for. Free publicity often starts with sharing news through a press release, but often a press release alone is not enough. To obtain free publicity, a strategy is essential.  …

Acquiring New Customers B2B

Acquiring New Customers B2B: The 6 Best Ways to Do It Looking to acquire new clients for your B2B company? We’ve rounded up tips for acquiring customers. There are many ways to gain new customers in B2B, and some of them have a higher customer acquisition cost than others. So, we’ll recommend four of the…

5 tips for writing a good press release

Writing a press release is often considered old-fashioned, because there are now many new ways to approach the press. Yet I still write press releases regularly, because with 1 press release you can write to multiple channels.   1. Put yourself in the journalist’s shoes To obtain free publicity it is important that not only…