Acquiring New Customers B2B: The 6 Best Ways to Do It
Looking to acquire new clients for your B2B company? We’ve rounded up tips for acquiring customers. There are many ways to gain new customers in B2B, and some of them have a higher customer acquisition cost than others.
So, we’ll recommend four of the best ways to acquire new customers for B2B as well as our favorite way to do it, which costs less and still produces fantastic results.
Way 1- Targeted ads
Advertising is one of the most popular ways to acquire new clients. Nowadays, you can be extremely targeted with online ads to place the right message in the right place at the right time. Tools like Google Ads and Meta for Business allow you to define every last detail of your customer, including age, location, occupation, family status, hobbies and preferences. However, targeted ads can be expensive to run. Especially for B2B, targeted ads can cost twice, or three times more for CPA than in other industries.
Way 2,3 & 4 – Deals, Promotions & Giveaways
Deals, promotions and giveaways are great ways to draw in new customers. It’s very easy to get attention for these discounts, but your new leads might not last. Customers may sign up just for the promotion and cancel shortly after. The customers you find may believe that your product or service is not worth it at full price and are just signing up because of the discount. So, while this tactic will work for the short term, deals and promotions are not a sustainable way to acquire new customers in B2B.
Way 5 – Social Media
Social media is a huge market for both sales and acquiring new customers. Currently, over three million businesses advertise on Facebook. And, they aren’t just American companies. 68% of small businesses in the EU say they use Facebook to find new customers and find it effective. Joining Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter and creating content there is free.
However, the cost of running social media is your time. It can be time-consuming to create enough content for social media to be worthwhile, not to mention responding to comments and DMs. The larger it gets, the more likely you will need to hire out someone to run your social media, and in the end, it will be quite costly.
Way 6 – Free Publicity
One of the most underrated ways to acquire new clients for B2B is through free publicity. Get your brand’s story out there with public relations. PR can be a very low-cost way to get your message across. PR is useful for improving your brand credibility, SEO and online presence, as well as attracting new customers. Public relations professionals use various ways to tell your story and get your brand free (or earned) attention. It’s the opposite of advertising, which requires you to pay-to-play: PR is about having a story so good people would share it for free!
That’s why free publicity is our favorite way of acquiring new customers B2B. It’s free! However, if you’re just starting with PR, get a consultation from a professional PR firm. We have experience getting free publicity for B2B companies in the Netherlands. Contact us to discuss how we can help you gain new customers in B2B, and we’ll give you more tips for acquiring customers.